Sunday, January 30, 2011


Yesterday I spent most of the day in bed. That got boring real fast. So today I went to the RRCA printing studio. I had heat today- found out the reason it was recently so cold was because the air conditioning was on! Nice and toasty today. To keep myself connected but taking it somewhat easy I handpainted some monotype "sqiggles". These are free form drawings I do to clean my plates after printmaking, with the intention of "filling in" with color. Today I used guoache.

I'm doing well with the nose. Still no black eyes, relatively no pain. The splint ITCHES! Whew......

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Center Member Show, Today's Work and Surgery

My studio at the RRCA is COLD. Can't sit long to watercolor or pastel, get chilled, but printmaking is ok because I'm standing and moving around. Today I pulled 10 prints. Maybe more tomorrow. Third Friday I spent a lot of time on the couch in the library reading, to stay warm. I usually work a pastel or watercolor while I wait for people to visit.

I have three pieces in the Center Artist Member Show in the Witt Gallery of the RRCA this month. Getting a nice reception for the work.

I am having nasal surgery Friday the 28th. I fractured the left side of my nose the 9th, went to a plastic surgeon the 20th. They're going to "pop" or reset the fracture as it is slightly displaced. I will have to wear a splint for a week- something I hoped to avoid! Do not know if I will have black eyes or not. It doesn't hurt save for when I wash my face, you can't tell it's broke by looking and I'm able to wear my glasses. Now. Maybe I will post a pic.......