Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I will be going to a costume party at Bogart's Coffeehouse tomorrow night!

Began working on the figure, yesterday, but won't show the first two- had to change my brushstrokes from doing landscapes. Probably will print Sunday too, but next week....I won't be able to print. There is a class being held in the classroom and I won't have access to the sink to clean my plate between prints.

My back is still acting up after a session of printing so I've taken to resting on the couch in the library with an art history book til the spasms cease- right now, MANET! Absolutely wonderful.......!

Friday, October 22, 2010


I finally made it back to the printing studio after a few days of doctors visits- something in my left shoulder has been popping. I was able to pull five prints without my back giving in to spasms, though I was in pain in the evening. I'm fine this morning and going back to the studio sometime today.

I switched to black and raw umber oils instead of color (I used white on the first one, I think it just muddies it) and am excited over the results. Received quite a few compliments on Facebook and an invitation to show them in Pennsylvania.

I have etcher's ink, that will be next- I am waiting until I have a full week of studio time, probably next week.

The new camera is great- found out this week I can take fish eye and black and white photos:)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Ready for Third Friday

My painting display wall in the RRCA studio, nearly full. There are two River paintings on exhibition right now at Atlantic County Library. Exhibitions at the RRCA ended yesterday, so I was able to fill my space with viewing material finally.
Going to Glassboro tomorrow to visit Rowan campus!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Work during CCOAST

10 to 6 is a LONG time to be in a studio. CCOAST wasn't very crowded. I didn't print to save the wear and tear on my back. Two watercolors and a pastel on mono.