Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Had a nice Thanksgiving. Have finished my Christmas shopping- actually was done two weeks ago, ug. It seems forever since I have blogged. At the RRCA we have Artful Giving going on in which I have 24 small pieces for sale- no bites. I was thinking yesterday in my studio that I have to stop producing- but how do you stop? I pulled 10 prints alone yesterday and Friday before the Millville parade I began a pastel (some of my prints are intended to be enhanced with pastel). When my back acts up and I'm at the studio- I sit on the couch and read something from the library- and am only further inspired. Yesterday I read an issue of International Artist. The quality of work presented makes me think, and leaves me somewhat dissatisfied with the district. And with my own work. Wanting to be better........

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