Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fall Morning River Walk

Relaxed yesterday morning by taking a fall river stroll before packing for my upcoming move to downtown. The blues in the water were just amazing! My new apartment is on the sixth floor and I have a view of my RRCA studio and beyond- the river, footbridge and surrounding woods!:)......

Monday, October 24, 2011


Have changed the title of this blog and the url. Please note....

Friday, October 21, 2011

First Public Video Attempt

Sorry about prior post, for those of you receiving this through e-mail, imbed didn't work. I filmed the walk to and from the RRCA yesterday. Frustrating work learning edit and posting. Fun when you get it....
Clip of feral cats along the river.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Cognate Difference?

An experiment I think I will explore further. The top photo is an oil paint cognate worked with pastel on rice. I've printed quite a few cognates but have been frustrated with the rice paper's inability to hold much pastel. The "paintings" come out flat and unexciting. Stiff. The second photo is oil paint cognate on Canson grey pastel worked with pastel, and the results are much more satisfying and fun. Looser, if that's a word:) I don't know if the difference is perceptible in low resolution pics. I only had a few sheets of Canson, have to order more. Third photo- oil paint monotype on archival typewriting paper. Someone gave me a full box. I was using up paint from my plein air outings. I didn't photo the cognates.......Lots of fun:)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Something Amusing

Just a little side note- yesterday I put together my first piece of need to assemble furniture. Rather pleased with myself:) It's a small TV stand to house my DVD player and some books. With casters! My old shelving was shot. Sturdy little thing.
This will be good practice for when I have to assemble my steel bed in two weeks, "lol"!
YES. I do have tools!:)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Plein Air Scenery

Shots taken of the beautiful river scenery while painting.....

Some Plein Air

Recently took advantage of the warm fall weather to enjoy and explore some plein air down at the river. Experimented with time of day/light and use of color. All are painted on red toned 9 x 12 oil primed linen.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Studio Tour

This past Saturday, October 1st, was Millville's Studio(s ) Tour. From the count of the director, we had 35 people come through the RRCA, up from last year's 19. I brought my left over paint from the 22 x 28 River and printed from 11 to 5 (then read for an hour to relax), rivers too. The new canvas River I painted for myself; may exhibit it in the studio next Third Friday. Sold another print!
Have included a pic of my studio mate's work, Adam Jones. He is a tattoo artist and cartoonist.
176 prints so far, 92 river sketches, book has only 12 free pages left....