Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Monday morning was class. I teach every Monday after Third Friday (makes for a long weekend). They bus in a fourth or fifth grade art class from the local elementary school; this was a fourth grade class of about 15 students. Well behaved and eager. I never made it to poetry on Sunday as I set up class the day before.

The idea is to take the students through the current exhibition(s) and teach a related project, be it subject, idea, materials. We discussed Liz Nicklus and Michele Post, painting in layers and making assemblages out of various materials. I had a table set up with every possible item I could find, buttons, straws, clothes pins, glitter, paint, oil pastel, magazines for clipping, foam animals...

It is truly a rewarding experience teaching these young folk. They are expressive, they explore, they listen (to whatever tiny lecture I may give), they concentrate on the task. This class a student said he was having "the best day ever" and another shyly came up to thank me and give me a hug and said she would look for me on Third Friday. IF there is one moment in their lives that I have made art a positive and joyful experience, then I am satisfied I am doing OK with teaching. This is my second year with this school. I'm very into it.

The photo is not of this class, but of a prior class where the students worked on self-portraits. That class was a little more serious, I gave some basic instruction on the placement of features, shading, tone, charcoal and paint. Maybe they will remember one day on another project.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Early Morning

Early morning after a very busy Third Friday evening. We- the Riverfront Renaissance Center for the Arts- were packed all evening. There were three worthwhile exhibitions- the Pat Witt Alumni exhibition, the 2007 Associate Artist Winners, and the ACE work of the local children. ACE= Arts Creates Excellence.- I gallery sit, and bartended last night too. I get to wear a dress, which is unusual as I'm either in old painting duds or a sports bra.- The work of the local children is very inspiring, they are so free in their color and expression. Many parents came out last night then of course.

I'm just a volunteer (as well as an ACE teacher)- a politician mistook me for a board member. My involvement with the RRCA began with cleaning their basement, where the art supplies are stored. I organized and structured a quite sizable mess one summer, it took about three months. I like organization. It was an opportunity to give back- it was an opportunity to get out of myself and work in quiet stillness completely undisturbed for a couple hours a week. I still keep the stuff organized. Sunday I will set up my class for Monday, I will check up on the supplies at the same time. It gives me peace. A sense of purpose. The RRCA is great for the community.

Many people. Braving the weather finally. I think we've all had enough of winter.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Third Friday Weekends

This morning is rainy, but it is supposed to clear. A little chilly for the first day of spring. I am relaxed, but eager- as it is Third Friday weekend- and I had hurt my back this week and was laid up for a few days. I have something to look forward to! There is a wonderful exhibition at the RRCA (where I teach and volunteer) this month, varied, colorful, textured, assemblages, traditional pieces. Tonight I will gallery sit, my usual activity on Third Friday. It is fun- people watching. My joy comes though from the wonderful exhibition as Monday morning I get to teach a grade school class about the exhibition and a related art activity.

I may write more over the weekend as it progresses. Sunday we also have Poetry On High, a three hour venue for local poets to perform.

In the meantime, yesterday I was given this photo of myself painting at East Point Lighthouse last summer. It was my first experience painting plein air, and I fell in love. I am preparing to do studies by our beautiful Maurice River as soon as the weather is stable.....:)