Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My New RRCA Printmaking Studio

Finished setting up my printmaking studio at the RRCA this afternoon. Nice, cozy space, fresh breeze- plus all the other benefits- being in contact with other working studio artists, the environment of the RRCA, and exposure! I have half a studio, sharing it with Cathie Skinner, a pastel artist. It's quite enough room as I still have my bedroom studio at home. Wow! A space completely devoted to monoprints! Maybe even some linoleum cuts!

One wall is brick and hung with chains to hang paintings. I have 14 Fall paintings I can arrange in the studio after the next RRCA show (funny note- I discovered this morning I wired one of my paintings upside down! Gotta fix that!). The opposite wall is reserved for working prints. Have a nice archival box to store them in too......

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Cedar Creek Show

Just a few pics, I am worn out from the preparations and excitements of last night's Third Friday. My little show of little fall paintings at Cedar Creek Stained Glass Gallery, a rather high end shop. The owner Diane will be keeping a few pieces in the gallery after the show has ended. There are some digital works on the wall as well.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Last One Day....

....for now. I really enjoy painting this way, letting the paint sit where I touch. Painted one of my favorite scenes today- reference is the photo to be exhibited in Photo Ex. Six paintings in a week! I was supposed to set up a show today, that's been postponed until tomorrow.- I am very excited about the upcoming shows. And very pleased and feeling accomplished that I was able to produce six color based paintings for my Member Artist show at the RRCA. Eager to glaze to bring out the color, and frame to finish......!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Three more One Day's....

I have one more to go. Tomorrow I'm setting up a show. Seems all I'm doing is painting and taking naps when I'm done, then straight to the gym- to do it again the next day. I don't know if I am exhausted or exhilarated! My fingernails are stained blue.......

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Painting a Day....

I am working on six paintings, 16 x 20's, and hoping to paint a painting a day- by Saturday. I didn't plan this, it just happened with the first painting, wanting to be quick, fresh, capturing my first impression without preconception. Finished the painting in a day and decided to follow through with the other five as well this way. It's very pleasurable, and I get paint all over myself! Very messy. I like the effect, the obvious brush stroke. These paintings are for the Center Member Artist Show in September/October. It's a very freeing way to paint!

Wednesday I will take a break and set up my show at Cedar Creek Studio in the Village on High. I will be showing (and hopefully selling) "little falls" and computer prints. The opening there is this Third Friday as well as the studio's one year celebration. I will also be showing at "Photo Ex" at the RRCA. And the Tunnel Alley Gallery across the street.

I received word/e-mail yesterday that I will be participating in my first Manhattan/NY State exhibitions through Papergirl http://www.papergirl-ny.com/. It is a non-profit organization that collects prints internationally, exhibits the work, then distributes the works to strangers via bicycle! I have two prints submitted. There will be three exhibitions. Dumbo Art Center- Aug. 24th and 25th, The Armory in Manhattan- Aug. 27th to 29th, and The Marketplace Gallery in Albany- Sept. 3rd through Sept. 6th. Exciting! (Thanks Fred!)

Very busy. Now I must revamp my bio.....