This before I put on the boob tube tonight and write in my journal. I watch some TV at night (and read simultaneously)- it rests my brain. There was a time I had a great disdain for television. PBS is good on Saturday nights- classic movie favorites.
I've chosen still life references for the RRCA Realism show, CD due in August. I'm attracted to the color. Whether I can do realism again or not- or by August (with an apartment move sometime)- remains to be seen. This is mostly an exercise to see, because I have portrait work in the back of my mind. The portraits hanging in my RRCA studio were very well received last night.
And Plein Air season is around the corner. I didn't get out last year. I need to work on my sense of color outside. Digital art. Printmaking studio. Volunteer work.
I've been doing SO MUCH research online lately. Going to register with the Cumberland County Artist Directory very soon and have been perusing websites and bios. Researching website hosting too. Maybe.
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