Heads up. Just got off the phone with a reporter from the Atlantic City Press. They're going to do an article on the Riverwalk Series, she said it should run Tuesday- before the opening of the exhibition the 21st. I'm thrilled and excited- also humbled. We've talked about this in the beginning of the summer. Over the weekend they'll photograph me out by the river painting. The reporter, Juliet Fletcher (beautiful English accent) is attracted, to my "philosophy" I guess- painting the undeveloped river. The wild side if you will. She asked why I chose this as a subject, and I thought of the Boardwalks, man made and destroyed by nature's whim, and I said hesitantly- it seems to be in my nature to be attracted to what man hasn't touched. Hmmmm. I have thought of re-reading Walden's Pond lately. I worried a bit about what people may think, she asked what I thought about the city's development (commercial) of the river- I said it's pretty and have nothing against it- she said she feels there are people like me who appreciate the natural beauty too. Funny. She asked if I noticed the wildlife, if I thought the river might be healthier. Never occurred to me, I think I saw a snake once. Haven't been looking at anything but the trees......
I am more excited though about returning to painting yesterday. In the manner I have lately- freely and easily. Now the Seasons are finished and no longer looking over my shoulder as unfinished guilty canvases on my wall- AH! It's possible to fit in some painting time, and I can return to the series!
Today I framed what I could, only one left, that's fine. What a sense of satisfaction in finishing- before the call came. A worthwhile project. The feedback will be interesting with an article to accompany.
Well, it's decided then, by this. To show the Riverwalk.......
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