It's a shame when you have a blog, and don't feel free to give voice to your thoughts. I wasn't exactly complaining in my last post.........
......it took awhile, longer than I thought- for me it seemed to take forever- but I am finally in a routine when it comes to working. My health was a big concern. It's a good job, good environment, but I was very stressed in the beginning. I developed a kink in my back, a knot that would swell and pulse with pain the moment I tensed up. Partly due to sitting I believe, but I think too- psychological- it acted up whenever I stressed. I purchased a yoga for stress relief DVD, that always worked. But I was concerned with the lack of time now I could devote to physical fitness, and the lack of energy I had. And lack of energy promotes lack of energy. Couple more DVDs later- Core Fusion and Pilate's, with workout sessions I could fit into my schedule- I'm doing much better. Tonite I did 45 of Pilate's after work, and it comes easier now, which means I'm strengthening.- My view on exercise has changed, or should I say "matured"- along with lifting weights I make sure I get in some stretching and yoga- for the mind and spirit as well. I suppose I'm fit- but I could lose a few pounds. I work out at least six days a week, but I could lose a few. Candy instead of drink. So I also began studying health books. I feel great, so much better, about four weeks into this health kick. Halfway into this I had my cholesterol checked, bad is below and good is above. Sugar normal too.
I took my landscape sketchbook to work today and after chores settled down to photos and a sketch. Began in pen, but then decided on color and grabbed watercolors from the general supplies. Basic pans and colors. I think I will start a new series- "Fall"- an extension of the Riverwalk Series. Getting a little excited. Quite nice to paint again this week.
A rented movie is calling my name. I have just enough time to watch, eat dinner, and get enough rest to maybe wake up early enough for some yoga before work........