Thursday, October 29, 2009


Yesterday's sketch at work. Usually I work just the weekends and Monday, but my co-worker has jury duty this week, and maybe another five days too. I was going to try and work on Artful Giving these three days off mid-week, but alas, I had to work. Oh well. Sometimes things don't work out. Can't be helped. Lucky that I am encouraged to sketch/paint at work. What a lovely job.

Still on the health kick. Reading up- it is just plain awful to realize the amount of chemicals in processed foods........In everything apparently. Cause for a major freak out if obsessed over.

I think this weekend, Saturday (I do have off), I will organize my computer photos so I can get to work on digital art again. Gotta be organized first.

Just a short post and pic of sketch. Maybe I'll fill the other half of the landscape sketchbook. I started it in 2007, kinda nice- that's how long I've been studying the river then.....

Monday, October 26, 2009


Much cheerier still. Got good news this morning. To my ears.:) I had a 30 yr high school reunion coming up November 28th and was planning on going- for my sister. She informed me this morning that she really didn't care to go, either. I was only going to go for her. What good news. I didn't realize til my shower after this phone call cancelling, that this event had me somewhat bunched up.
It's been a gathering of old hs friends on Facebook, and reading posts- well, I don't have a house, a car, summers in Sea Isle. I do have over a thousand pieces of artwork, but do you drag them to a reunion with you? It was difficult visiting with my childhood friend couple weeks back, waiting for questions about my "situation". Someone told me such questions would be rude, I bit the bullet and told her about my jaw. I hate explaining that. I always get pity. I'M over the fact I was almost murdered- and now that 15 year old incident is just another piece of life. These things happen to people. I've moved on.
Anyway. With the reunion, and the visit, I was brought back to where I was in high school- not good enough. I wasn't, my family was poor. Never had the right clothes, hell- I was a transplant from North Jersey- I wasn't homegrown. Never in the cliques. I was in THE BAND, lol. Certainly not a cheerleader. What do I have to show..............
Who wants to go back to that after thirty years has passed?
That's why I said I felt Facebook was shallow. All you do is post what you do for other's attention. I went in for art connections and was eventually surrounded by high school. Bleck.

No more keeping up with the Jone's for me. Paint, paint, paint!!!!!!!!!:)
Off to work:)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

New Series?

It's a shame when you have a blog, and don't feel free to give voice to your thoughts. I wasn't exactly complaining in my last post......... took awhile, longer than I thought- for me it seemed to take forever- but I am finally in a routine when it comes to working. My health was a big concern. It's a good job, good environment, but I was very stressed in the beginning. I developed a kink in my back, a knot that would swell and pulse with pain the moment I tensed up. Partly due to sitting I believe, but I think too- psychological- it acted up whenever I stressed. I purchased a yoga for stress relief DVD, that always worked. But I was concerned with the lack of time now I could devote to physical fitness, and the lack of energy I had. And lack of energy promotes lack of energy. Couple more DVDs later- Core Fusion and Pilate's, with workout sessions I could fit into my schedule- I'm doing much better. Tonite I did 45 of Pilate's after work, and it comes easier now, which means I'm strengthening.- My view on exercise has changed, or should I say "matured"- along with lifting weights I make sure I get in some stretching and yoga- for the mind and spirit as well. I suppose I'm fit- but I could lose a few pounds. I work out at least six days a week, but I could lose a few. Candy instead of drink. So I also began studying health books. I feel great, so much better, about four weeks into this health kick. Halfway into this I had my cholesterol checked, bad is below and good is above. Sugar normal too.

I took my landscape sketchbook to work today and after chores settled down to photos and a sketch. Began in pen, but then decided on color and grabbed watercolors from the general supplies. Basic pans and colors. I think I will start a new series- "Fall"- an extension of the Riverwalk Series. Getting a little excited. Quite nice to paint again this week.

A rented movie is calling my name. I have just enough time to watch, eat dinner, and get enough rest to maybe wake up early enough for some yoga before work........

Friday, October 23, 2009

Breakfast by the river

I finally painted this week (plein air), after much time adjusting to a work schedule, and decided this morning to have breakfast by the river and extend my mood so to speak. There are moments- many of them- when I want to fold, walk away from the rat race. Even my painting was a little too hurried this week, so I thought; this morning I thought about how I used to have my own schedule and didn't have to "fit" things in. Like creativity. I won't leave my job though, I am fortunate to be working at the RRCA, and recently I was informed I may sketch at work on my down time, that it would also be good for the center. I haven't yet, but I think I will soon. I've been reading and perusing the computer. Facebook takes a lot of time and lately it has seemed shallow to me.

Life. Yesterday I went out to the river to paint and was greeted with very loud machinery across stream, they were clearing underbrush with a plow of some sorts, it was almost devastating- the noise. I thought about leaving. Had headphones/radio. This morning I sat down to munch on a pumpkin muffin and study the trees- maintenance men appeared to empty the garbage cans. I can't win, I thought, but this is how it is. All this "constructed" beauty under perpetual and constant construction, that's our arts district. If you choose to look at it that way. The bridge I painted this week has been out all summer, I haven't walked across it once to get to the other side. It doesn't suit me well this do, do, do, as the sell, sell, sell didn't either. I don't know if I'll ever get anything done for Artful Giving- I may just pull a Walden and just continue to paint the river..........

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


......what to title this post. In my second day off this week, and I'm "rebelling". I went for a walk around the river this morning with my camera, lovely, and decided to come home and pack up and go back out with the french easel. Maybe tomorrow too. It's too nice to stay inside and paint pretty little flower paintings for Artful Giving- though I sorta promised I'd knock some out. IT'S MY DAYS OFF and I want to spend them on ME sometimes, not more work for the RRCA. Actually, I just think it's nature and the weather and paint calling. I'm still adjusting to working, and this week I started teaching again too.

Last week I had a visit from an old high school friend I hadn't seen in 25 years- the week before I was busy getting my home ready for the visit. She came by, my daughter and mother came by, and no one noticed ANYTHING about my place- new rug, new pictures. What a revelation- that I certainly don't have to keep up with the Jones's, as I felt I should. That was miserable. Cleaning to impress. In a short few I'll put on my scruffy painting clothes and be quite happy.

I've had an about face and have been studying books by Andrew Weil, healthy aging, eating for optimum health, holistic medicines, etc., to improve my well being. I exercise religiously but my diet could improve. I want to fully understand what goes on in my body with what I put into it. On my walk I was thinking- Oh, I'm getting old- but maybe it is just more aware. There was a time when I wouldn't care to think about such things, as if I was invincible. I've also started practicing Core Fusion- very complete and holistic exercise regimen. Feeling quite good and energetic.

Well, I'll post some pics of my early morning cappuccino walk, plus a pic from the Silver Run class.......