Monday, October 26, 2009


Much cheerier still. Got good news this morning. To my ears.:) I had a 30 yr high school reunion coming up November 28th and was planning on going- for my sister. She informed me this morning that she really didn't care to go, either. I was only going to go for her. What good news. I didn't realize til my shower after this phone call cancelling, that this event had me somewhat bunched up.
It's been a gathering of old hs friends on Facebook, and reading posts- well, I don't have a house, a car, summers in Sea Isle. I do have over a thousand pieces of artwork, but do you drag them to a reunion with you? It was difficult visiting with my childhood friend couple weeks back, waiting for questions about my "situation". Someone told me such questions would be rude, I bit the bullet and told her about my jaw. I hate explaining that. I always get pity. I'M over the fact I was almost murdered- and now that 15 year old incident is just another piece of life. These things happen to people. I've moved on.
Anyway. With the reunion, and the visit, I was brought back to where I was in high school- not good enough. I wasn't, my family was poor. Never had the right clothes, hell- I was a transplant from North Jersey- I wasn't homegrown. Never in the cliques. I was in THE BAND, lol. Certainly not a cheerleader. What do I have to show..............
Who wants to go back to that after thirty years has passed?
That's why I said I felt Facebook was shallow. All you do is post what you do for other's attention. I went in for art connections and was eventually surrounded by high school. Bleck.

No more keeping up with the Jone's for me. Paint, paint, paint!!!!!!!!!:)
Off to work:)

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