The wheels fall off my little cheap vacuum, a replacement was supposed to come today, another little one you can tuck behind a door, but the Fed Ex man brought me my Wacom tablet instead! BUT, my computer is dying too (everything breaks at once!-I have to navigate between freezes and a little black box on my screen that only goes away when you turn off the monitor), so there will be no Wacom work til my new puter comes. Talk about scattered brained today, vacuum falls apart, computer is wacked. The holidays rush me a bit too much, AH- I am finished shopping though! I finally edited some photos of recent little paintings. Little vacuum, little Wacom, little paintings. With the Wacom comes Corel Paint 4- I didn't know, and I had ordered that as well- it came Monday- at a savings of 70 bucks- so I'm giving the extra to my mother for Christmas. She recently won an honorable mention in North Jersey for a pastel. She sounds excited to try something so new. So techno.
Anyway, a few paintings. Two from slow time at work, Fall 6, and Snow 1- I have never painted snow before soooooo. And it's watercolor- I hope I learn a thing or two from the watercolor workshop starting January. Four little flower paintings for Christmas gifts, two posted here.
Tomorrow I must work on a painting for my son, a present for his current interest. Star Wars effects in the background, hmmmmmmmmm......laughter.
Pumpkin soup for Thanksgiving stayed with me for too many days, didn't think it would be so heavy....
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