Thursday, February 4, 2010

Town's too small sometimes

The gym hasn't been very friendly this week, downstairs. I can't help but wonder if it's because of what I last wrote- that the gym would be my social life. Let me rephrase that. If I need to be around people- I'm going to the gym. By the by- I have graduated to power yoga and have lost six pounds. So I'm not quitting.
I'm rarely on Facebook, I haven't been to the gossip mill for coffee in two weeks, my neighbors say quick hello's, and my mom is quiet. Why am I disappointing them, so I sense? When- I ask at near 50- do you stop people pleasing? Get to stop people pleasing. Maybe I should stop writing this blog, as much as I've stopped charting my daily activities on Facebook. I don't want to be tripped.
I've had my hours reduced at work, it was mutual- I am only going to work the weekends. The week will be mine. I cannot wait to have my time and creativity back! I'm tired of cramping my life into a schedule four days a week (and rushing to have my life the other three). Just the weekends will be fine. A week for me will be great. As it stands right now, with work, Artworks, watercolor class- I have only one day a week for me.
The watercolor class has been great, I may- MAY (time) take another. Learned I need the right brushes. Biggest realization is this- it's OK to be a successful female artist and state "All I want to do is paint!" As my teacher has done many times. I miss it, very much..........

I'll share- after the fact from now on........

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