Saturday, July 25, 2009


Fall, summer, spring- winter is on the easel. Seems I have two jobs now (or is that more when you're a mother?), hourly at the RRCA, and my painting. I have a lot of work to do, I'd like to finish Winter for an August 17th drop off for the Center Member Artist show (as well as five of the River Series). As a RRCA member artist I am eligible to participate in the September 13th Arts and Antiques Festival- I'm thinking of 4x6 gessoed watercolor sketches, framed. If I do, I also have to work at the RRCA that day. Then there is the Artful Giving and Spirited Surprises for November and December at the RRCA- I am pretty much ready for that. And when it cools I of course want to venture back out with the french easel.
Someone- a director of a museum- asked me last Third Friday if I was surviving (survive-"ing"?). Oh, I suppose so. But right now people are still getting on my nerves and I'm doing a lot of swimming and some yoga to manage stress. As in this morning, running errands, a local smiles his way towards me, wraps an arm around my shoulder and asks if I'm painting. Do you need to know? And it is of utmost importance to peer into my shopping bag to see what merchant-dice I picked up???????

It's too hot out there for me today, I have central air- though the cat uses it more than I do.....but I think I'll stay in today. My daughter is coming over for a bit, then I think I'll dream of winter.........

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Remember this? I guess I'm asking of those who are e-mailed this blog- I only have 46 views since the start. Working today, and I uploaded this image in case I felt like taking a break and writing.

Today, no heels, just fancy work flip flops. I enjoyed a few days dressing down, AND took up swimming again, jocking out too. Have decided to take swim lessons at the gym where I work out. The swimming has soothed my soul and spirit. Someone remarked to me that "sore feet are par for the course"- are they?

Friday night I was informed that two days will soon be added onto my work week. I am thrilled, I love this job and am so fortunate. It will leave me three days a week (and two half days) in which to paint, but that will be ok. I'm not sneezing at this opportunity.

Not what I wanted to write about though. As last I wrote I had been feeling as if I needed to take care of the world, this morning I felt as if the world owned me. This painting comes to mind- or it's sister painting, the first Mast- and it's owner. I have no idea where the painting or the owner is, but I do catch remnants of past correspondence to him- it's so annoying. The "machine" I used to call it. It never ceases to amaze me why some won't move on. "Mast I" was "do as I say, not as I do" and I found myself in a life directed by others because of what I wrote him. I painted "Mast II" so he could have his, and I could have mine.......but he still resurfaces. I ignore, like a pesky bot on a chat site.

I have my own life now. Someone wanted to buy Mast II, without releasing the reproduction rights to me- I thought it would've been dangerous enough parting with the painting, let alone losing all rights. So it is still mine. No one can find it though. I'm not telling where it is. My boat. His boat.........

I wrote on Facebook yesterday that I was "On Vacation" and not about to tell anyone what I'm doing. I might have that attitude for awhile- that I will explain in appropriate timing. There's a reason. Anyway and anyhoo- I have a show to ready for next month at the RRCA as a Center Member Artist. I do have seven paintings ready, but they need varnishing and framing.......


Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Two whole days in which to paint. Maybe three, maybe four. I'm not even going to post an image, these days are MINE. I can't say the last time I held a paintbrush in my hand- tho I do recall saying how much I missed painting. Last night this feeling overtook me, that I have been taking care of the world. I know that's unrealistic, but sometimes with those close to me it's sometimes the truth. I have an aging parent who feels compelled to tell me her daily activities, I have children who are grown- yet not quite there yet. An arts district- well sometimes they get too nibby, I'm sorry, "what are you doing, what are you painting, where are you showing, have you sold". The last day I worked I went home the back way, took another street, to avoid questions. You get to feeling that you MUST put out, provide, entertain, be part of, always. It's a community sure, but right now I need my alone time to work.

Had another day of paperwork, but I made sure to get a swim in, and later, some time at the gym with my daughter. Then a bubble bath.

See you when I see you, I'm out for the next couple days..........:)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Summerfest Pics

A glimpse of one of our events, Chili cookoff, canoeing, plein air, craft booths, food, music, etc..........

My Feet Hurt!

Last night was the opening for South Jersey Emerging Artists at Perkins Center for the Arts, Collingswood. I thank all that came out to support- sorry we ran out for coffee and were almost missed! I hope I can get three pics in- me, Anna Vosburgh and Steve Testa, representing the Millville Arts District. Lovely town Collingswood, and that train! Made me homesick for the city and I wanted to hop aboard and see some city lights. There is still some North Jersey in me.

I am pretty much tired, I worked Friday night and today, yesterday was Summerfest on the riverfront, last night the opening- I just want to crawl into my three dollar thrift store cargo shorts and disappear for a few days. Down and dirty and messy with paint- NO HEELS- until busy Third Friday comes. I get like this sometimes, wear and tear of living INSIDE an arts district. Right now I don't care about anything again except getting back to the series and immersing myself in some creativity. I was told a few times this weekend how nicely I was dressed, it's lost on me now. I'm wearing a ponytail til Third Friday.

Friday someone remarked to me how I had disappeared for a month- I have been caught up in paperwork for two weeks due to being employed again- the agencies I have to report to, and this after being laid up with the flu for a week and a half. It is time to paint. What I don't know. Tuesday I will know.

Tomorrow- there is cat hair to be vacuumed first:).............

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Universe Gave Her Boots

Life is busy right now, with paperwork because I'm working, and I have a show coming up at Perkins Center for the Arts Collingswood July 11th. More on that later. I wanted to share a prized new possession, a painting by my dear friend Anna Vosburgh. Wonderfully, I received it the day before my birthday, how joyous! "The Universe Gave Her Boots" is a portrait of a mutual friend, Rita Lyman, who directs Poetry On High here in Millville. Rita is a poet, artist, massage therapist. She just returned from Argentina as an exchange between our countries, of the arts. Rita is big on healing and the transmission of positive energies. The story of the rainbow boots is this- Rita needed rain boots at one point and had no money so went to a thrift shop. They had boots in her size- Rainbow boots! The universe provided boots no matter how bright (and yes, Rita's feet are tiny and delicate)! Eventually Rita posed for Anna in those boots (and not much else, Rita also works as a live model). I fell in love the painting immediately. And I love that's a portrait of a friend, by a friend.

Anna had her eye on one of my more outrageous paintings, SHUTUP, quite frankly I had lived with it a long time and was more than ready to part with it. So Anna and I exchanged! We are both quite happy with our paintings from each other, and it's funny (I suppose)- we couldn't afford each other- so it was a happy exchange.

I wanted to share this beautiful work with everyone. A lovely addition to a small collection I've started of local artists.