Fall, summer, spring- winter is on the easel. Seems I have two jobs now (or is that more when you're a mother?), hourly at the RRCA, and my painting. I have a lot of work to do, I'd like to finish Winter for an August 17th drop off for the Center Member Artist show (as well as five of the River Series). As a RRCA member artist I am eligible to participate in the September 13th Arts and Antiques Festival- I'm thinking of 4x6 gessoed watercolor sketches, framed. If I do, I also have to work at the RRCA that day. Then there is the Artful Giving and Spirited Surprises for November and December at the RRCA- I am pretty much ready for that. And when it cools I of course want to venture back out with the french easel.
Someone- a director of a museum- asked me last Third Friday if I was surviving (survive-"ing"?). Oh, I suppose so. But right now people are still getting on my nerves and I'm doing a lot of swimming and some yoga to manage stress. As in this morning, running errands, a local smiles his way towards me, wraps an arm around my shoulder and asks if I'm painting. Do you need to know? And it is of utmost importance to peer into my shopping bag to see what merchant-dice I picked up???????
It's too hot out there for me today, I have central air- though the cat uses it more than I do.....but I think I'll stay in today. My daughter is coming over for a bit, then I think I'll dream of winter.........
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