Sunday, November 8, 2009


She didn't get away. I did. This is my third day working after the news of Chun-Yan Hilyard's death- at the moment I'm quite unsteady. A RRCA Board Member just left- there has been much talk among all of us about this- he was shook to the core with the news. As we talk we are struck with the horror of it, as it sinks in. The loss, the absolute loss. Working here I've been a shoulder to hear memories, sadness, disbelief. Quite a few people have come in to view Kim's work after reading the paper, including a co-worker of the husband. Some have been quite angry.

Seven of Kim's work have sold- I bought one myself this morning (a trust fund is being set up for the children). "Wildflowers". I feel a kinship with Chun-Yan/Kim- all my horrors of a violent marriage have resurfaced like bad gas. Any mistreatment. Wildflowers- as we should be.

It's a beautiful painting- plein air- and braver than I have yet to be.

"She was an artist's artist - another female artist commented.

She was planning on leaving him in January..........I hesitate to bring up my past marriage in a public blog but silence kills. We are so silent, it's so wrong. Some have said she was quiet about the abuse because of Chinese tradition. As I agreed with one female viewer- the mouth taped shut is just all too common with all of us.

I will hang this tribute in my home with honor and dignity and hopefully her spirit will be with me as I paint.......

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