Sunday, January 17, 2010

SLOW today

Slow today at work, the rain. So I sketched another fall watercolor. I'm excited- our watercolor class starts Wednesday and we'll have better supplies than what I've been using, real brushes, colors and pressed paper. Marie Natale is teaching the class, she is a member of the NJ Water Color Society, and I think she just went national too. Her work is on exhibition this month in our Witt Gallery (and selling quite well). I hope to get a friendly critique of my sketchbook. She's lively, it should be a fun class. Four three hour studios.

I had an awful dream this morning about work. My dreams are strange, like movies, and I rarely pay attention to them as they usually have something to do with current events in my life. I wake up with an Oh, yea, that.......This morning I pulled out of it shaken to my nerves- in the dream the RRCA had turned into a fast food restaurant, and I could not do anything right, could not do my job. And, no one would help me. I even had problems with my hair. It was horrible. The fast pace was there, the tension, the grease. I remember clearly trying to butter rolls to take to the other art consultant. Oh, I sat bolt upright out of bed and fixed a cup of coffee, shaking. For those of you who know, or don't, I worked ten years in the food industry and once wrote a college paper- "Why I still work for fast food".

It didn't make sense, it did in awhile. It's not my job, no, I love it here. I don't doubt it's partly this blog and this town. What I write does come back to haunt me sometimes, has since I've been writing. Especially in a local "habitat". Yesterday I had stopped for coffee and was questioned twice if I liked it here, and if I was being treated right. Hmmmmmmmm. Libraries were mentioned by my neighbors too shortly after I last wrote.

Ah well, it's a public blog...........
Marie NAtale's exhibition and the latest from my sketchbook.

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