Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year Everyone!

Nope, no New Year's resolutions, I'm too old to set myself up with expectations. Though I do hope to/plan to live as healthily as I can. Christmas cooking left me feeling like I ingested boulders, and I didn't like that at all. Christmas Eve morning the cat woke me by attacking the corner of my bed (she will do this when she thinks it's time to get up....)- I pushed myself up too abruptly (sleeping on my stomach) and severely twisted the right muscle along my spine. So I had a strained swollen muscle (hugs HURT!) and my old back pain returned with a vengeance with the new injury. I spent most of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in bed. Work Saturday, Sunday and Monday I had to sit with a heating pad. I could barely do anything functional without having to lay down for two hours. Forget sitting at the computer. Finally a neighbor gave me some muscle relaxers, and I've been without the pain for two days now. So that is my New Years joy and celebration- being without pain. I was getting so miserable in the constant pain, it's just awful. I don't know how people live when afflicted with chronic pain.
The RRCA is closed for repairs until the 10th, since the 31st. I've been doing a heavy duty cleaning of my home, updated the bathroom, finished tonite. And now that I can sit at a desk- it's computer time! Learn about my new toy finally- I just haven't time. Hopefully I'll be able to post pics very soon.
Happy New Year Everyone! My best wishes for all!

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