Sunday, December 20, 2009
Season's Greetings!
Just wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday(s). I'm amazed two weeks have passed since my last post. Christmas. I was done shopping awhile ago, presents are wrapped. We were busy at work with the parade, Soul of the Season, and this past Third Friday. Then this huge snowstorm! 22.9 inches. I stayed home yesterday, the center was closed. Slept, watched movies, slept, pilates, basic vegging. Weird to be so lazy. Today I opened the center with some shoveling, but we closed early- no one was out.
Tuesday I'm baking, that's been awhile. Tonite I felt the need to do some yoga- the stress of the holiday. Craving normalcy a bit by now. But it will be nice to spend time with family- that is what I'm looking forward to.
Have a happy everyone!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Up and running!
- Got the laptop up and running! Love it. AND, got my Internet music back! I never use my home stereo, just the computer. Wow, so many wires with the old one. It really acted up this morning. But now it is no more. The laptop is a 17.3- large enough for digital work.
- Well seems I've got bullets in this post, lol. Musta hit a button somewhere, new keyboard.- I have a lot of stuff to learn! Haven't hooked up my printer yet or installed any of the paint programs- Windows 7 first.
- Happy Holidays Everyone! Whew!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
New Puter!
Oh I have missed my Internet radio! I've been down for almost four days. I bought Christmas CD's at Bogart's, but I need some rock and roll, some new wave, some bee bop! My laptop came Saturday but I'm waiting for my days off to set up- with my geek son.
Boy it can stress you out waiting for packages in an apartment complex!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Waiting on a vacuum, but the Wacom came!

Monday, November 23, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Inner peace and a cappucino
Just returned from a walk around the river with a cappuccino. The river was silver high tide, so beautiful in the dusk. I feel so lucky to be so near this landscape and if I hadn't so much to do today (laundry, cleaning) I would've gone out with my french easel. I was able to cross the new river bridge today, it's been closed as they were putting in handicap ramps. Nice. I am inspired, a tragedy has occurred, but I am inspired for knowing Kim and all her beauty- art and personality. And I was filled with a sense of peace walking.
Tomorrow is a full studio/painting day. Took me awhile to get to this point. Everything is in place- home, diet, exercise, papers, computer files. Going to work on the series, maybe sketch out three each fall and winter. Or more. Just immerse myself.
In January I am taking an adult workshop at the RRCA for watercolor. Maybe I'll be able to do something with my Sunday studies.......and I think I will begin again my work in digital art. I don't know about buying a Wacom as I planned, after purchasing Chun-Yan's painting. We'll see........
Some folks in this town have a really funny sense of humor. The bronze statue of Capt. Buck down at the river sports a striped wool scarf and a knitted purple leg warmer on his left leg. The leg warmer would have had to been sewn on. I keep forgetting my camera to take a pic of this......
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
A Tragic Loss
Pointless violence snuffing out beauty that could not be contained.
She was a member of the RRCA, the Noyes Museum, the Ocean City Art Center and showed with a gallery in Stone Harbor. 45 with a 10 y/0 son and twin boys, younger.
Her website is-
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I rode my bike to Pathmark this morning for some healthier groceries I can't get at the local walkable mart, some would say that is far- it's enjoyable but it's also a chore. The traffic scares me. I recently told my mother that riding my bike for far errands was getting old- she said "But it keeps you trim". BUT. It's getting old. I'm 48. This morning I thought I'm not Wonderwoman, and I don't want to be. I'm way far beyond ever wanting to be Wonderwoman again.
My neighbor bought an electric bike this week. Hmmmmmm. Now, I've never thought about that possibility...........and I'm thinking.
I think partly why my back seized up was because I couldn't do it all and I was trying to with working. All anyone cared about was if I was producing more paintings for the series. I've half a mind right now to keep it to myself if I do continue the series and just "be" a Sunday Painter with my little watercolors for awhile. Sorry.
An electric bike. Hmmmmmm.........
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009
It's been a gathering of old hs friends on Facebook, and reading posts- well, I don't have a house, a car, summers in Sea Isle. I do have over a thousand pieces of artwork, but do you drag them to a reunion with you? It was difficult visiting with my childhood friend couple weeks back, waiting for questions about my "situation". Someone told me such questions would be rude, I bit the bullet and told her about my jaw. I hate explaining that. I always get pity. I'M over the fact I was almost murdered- and now that 15 year old incident is just another piece of life. These things happen to people. I've moved on.
Anyway. With the reunion, and the visit, I was brought back to where I was in high school- not good enough. I wasn't, my family was poor. Never had the right clothes, hell- I was a transplant from North Jersey- I wasn't homegrown. Never in the cliques. I was in THE BAND, lol. Certainly not a cheerleader. What do I have to show..............
Who wants to go back to that after thirty years has passed?
That's why I said I felt Facebook was shallow. All you do is post what you do for other's attention. I went in for art connections and was eventually surrounded by high school. Bleck.
No more keeping up with the Jone's for me. Paint, paint, paint!!!!!!!!!:)
Off to work:)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
New Series?
Friday, October 23, 2009
Breakfast by the river

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Overdue Ramble
Sometimes it feels as if I have no time off from work, and writing in my journal last night I decided to make a conscious effort to decompress and leave my job behind me on my three days to myself. My mind whirls- gotta do this, gotta do that, by Friday and next I know I'm losing my time and living in the my next days at work. Went to Wawa this morning for my favored vanilla cappuccino and a walk/sit by the river to make it all ok.
I've been working on my home- when you bring 14 works home from shows it's a little disruptive and I had to rearrange my walls, too much of my own stuff hanging. I like my rooms clear and uncluttered save for the studio, so I can think uncluttered. So I worked on that until yesterday. Found a coat rack/shelf- long- at the local thrift shop for ten bucks and hung that yesterday. My coat closet is filled with paintings.
A little more relaxed. Got to keep my yoga studies in the back of my mind and remember to breathe. Work is sometimes very easy going. Third Mondays- when we take down the previous exhibition and receive the new work is absolutely crazy. We also had an Arts and Antiques Festival- one day affair with a lot of preparation, and a Wine Tasting event- a completely enormous production.
I start teaching again October 19th, but due to budget cuts there may only be four classes this year, as opposed to the usual ten. Sad. Then, got an e-mail this morning, I may be assisting in teaching ArtWorks run by the Weed and Seed program, beginning in January for 12 weeks. That excited me, I really do enjoy teaching.
Well, long overdue in picking up a paintbrush too........
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Glad It's Over

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
No Article Yet

Thursday, August 13, 2009
AC Press Tuesday!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Fall, summer, spring- winter is on the easel. Seems I have two jobs now (or is that more when you're a mother?), hourly at the RRCA, and my painting. I have a lot of work to do, I'd like to finish Winter for an August 17th drop off for the Center Member Artist show (as well as five of the River Series). As a RRCA member artist I am eligible to participate in the September 13th Arts and Antiques Festival- I'm thinking of 4x6 gessoed watercolor sketches, framed. If I do, I also have to work at the RRCA that day. Then there is the Artful Giving and Spirited Surprises for November and December at the RRCA- I am pretty much ready for that. And when it cools I of course want to venture back out with the french easel.
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Today, no heels, just fancy work flip flops. I enjoyed a few days dressing down, AND took up swimming again, jocking out too. Have decided to take swim lessons at the gym where I work out. The swimming has soothed my soul and spirit. Someone remarked to me that "sore feet are par for the course"- are they?
Friday night I was informed that two days will soon be added onto my work week. I am thrilled, I love this job and am so fortunate. It will leave me three days a week (and two half days) in which to paint, but that will be ok. I'm not sneezing at this opportunity.
Not what I wanted to write about though. As last I wrote I had been feeling as if I needed to take care of the world, this morning I felt as if the world owned me. This painting comes to mind- or it's sister painting, the first Mast- and it's owner. I have no idea where the painting or the owner is, but I do catch remnants of past correspondence to him- it's so annoying. The "machine" I used to call it. It never ceases to amaze me why some won't move on. "Mast I" was "do as I say, not as I do" and I found myself in a life directed by others because of what I wrote him. I painted "Mast II" so he could have his, and I could have mine.......but he still resurfaces. I ignore, like a pesky bot on a chat site.
I have my own life now. Someone wanted to buy Mast II, without releasing the reproduction rights to me- I thought it would've been dangerous enough parting with the painting, let alone losing all rights. So it is still mine. No one can find it though. I'm not telling where it is. My boat. His boat.........
I wrote on Facebook yesterday that I was "On Vacation" and not about to tell anyone what I'm doing. I might have that attitude for awhile- that I will explain in appropriate timing. There's a reason. Anyway and anyhoo- I have a show to ready for next month at the RRCA as a Center Member Artist. I do have seven paintings ready, but they need varnishing and framing.......
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Had another day of paperwork, but I made sure to get a swim in, and later, some time at the gym with my daughter. Then a bubble bath.
See you when I see you, I'm out for the next couple days..........:)
Sunday, July 12, 2009
My Feet Hurt!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The Universe Gave Her Boots

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Pochades 4 and 5

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Oh, do I miss......

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Another side

Sunday, May 24, 2009