Sunday, December 20, 2009

Season's Greetings!

No pics. I haven't got that far in using the new computer- learning how to load pics. The laptop is real nice and I'm enjoying it. :) Especially the music.

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday(s). I'm amazed two weeks have passed since my last post. Christmas. I was done shopping awhile ago, presents are wrapped. We were busy at work with the parade, Soul of the Season, and this past Third Friday. Then this huge snowstorm! 22.9 inches. I stayed home yesterday, the center was closed. Slept, watched movies, slept, pilates, basic vegging. Weird to be so lazy. Today I opened the center with some shoveling, but we closed early- no one was out.

Tuesday I'm baking, that's been awhile. Tonite I felt the need to do some yoga- the stress of the holiday. Craving normalcy a bit by now. But it will be nice to spend time with family- that is what I'm looking forward to.

Have a happy everyone!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Up and running!

  • Got the laptop up and running! Love it. AND, got my Internet music back! I never use my home stereo, just the computer. Wow, so many wires with the old one. It really acted up this morning. But now it is no more. The laptop is a 17.3- large enough for digital work.
  • Well seems I've got bullets in this post, lol. Musta hit a button somewhere, new keyboard.- I have a lot of stuff to learn! Haven't hooked up my printer yet or installed any of the paint programs- Windows 7 first.
  • Happy Holidays Everyone! Whew!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

New Puter!

Today was the last delivery from UPS for my new system, a book from Amazon about Windows 7. Mom house sat for me for the delivery as I'm at work. Last night I was fried and had to sit and watch a movie to relax the brain, now I feel a bit excited. My old computer has been limping along the past few days- I've been checking my e-mail at work, and I do not know when I'll be up and running with the laptop. A laptop. And a Wacom, and a simple paint program- see what I can do. My nose has been stuck in a paint program manual, and the computer set up manual- which is why my brains are mash potatoes. Scrambled eggs. Now I have to get through the Windows 7 book. But it's all good. Save I do not when I'll be back to producing digital images. I'm too systematic. There are tutorials in the paint book I want to try, and I'm sure I'll go exploring through my new OS. I brought my sketchbook to work for watercolor, but we've been people busy.
Oh I have missed my Internet radio! I've been down for almost four days. I bought Christmas CD's at Bogart's, but I need some rock and roll, some new wave, some bee bop! My laptop came Saturday but I'm waiting for my days off to set up- with my geek son.
Boy it can stress you out waiting for packages in an apartment complex!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Waiting on a vacuum, but the Wacom came!

The wheels fall off my little cheap vacuum, a replacement was supposed to come today, another little one you can tuck behind a door, but the Fed Ex man brought me my Wacom tablet instead! BUT, my computer is dying too (everything breaks at once!-I have to navigate between freezes and a little black box on my screen that only goes away when you turn off the monitor), so there will be no Wacom work til my new puter comes. Talk about scattered brained today, vacuum falls apart, computer is wacked. The holidays rush me a bit too much, AH- I am finished shopping though! I finally edited some photos of recent little paintings. Little vacuum, little Wacom, little paintings. With the Wacom comes Corel Paint 4- I didn't know, and I had ordered that as well- it came Monday- at a savings of 70 bucks- so I'm giving the extra to my mother for Christmas. She recently won an honorable mention in North Jersey for a pastel. She sounds excited to try something so new. So techno.

Anyway, a few paintings. Two from slow time at work, Fall 6, and Snow 1- I have never painted snow before soooooo. And it's watercolor- I hope I learn a thing or two from the watercolor workshop starting January. Four little flower paintings for Christmas gifts, two posted here.

Tomorrow I must work on a painting for my son, a present for his current interest. Star Wars effects in the background, hmmmmmmmmm......laughter.

Pumpkin soup for Thanksgiving stayed with me for too many days, didn't think it would be so heavy....

Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Not very busy today at work, and I took a few digital shots this morning- so I might as well blog. A silly self-portrait included. I taught Silver Run this morning. We have Artful Giving at the RRCA right now, as well as the NJ Chapter of American Artists Professional League, so I had the kids create embellished self portraits as possible holiday gifts this lesson. Mine is an example that I whipped out yesterday at work. Fun class, but my back has been acting up again, so I was stiff. "Quiet" the principle said.

I only had one day off last week and I think I'm just tired. I need my next three days off.

Not much else to say. I haven't been sketching or painting (I will), not with my work schedule. Co-worker ended his jury duty, but we had to decorate here, and my boss had a car accident- so I ended up with more hours. Have quite a bit of the holiday spirit though. Lovely working with tempered soft Christmas music all day, and Artful Giving is quite cheerful.

Making pumpkin vegetable soup for Thanksgiving, in keeping with my health awareness, with vanilla yogurt parfaits for dessert. Crock pot simmered all day soup, yum-yum.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fall Series

Short post, I have brussel sprouts cooking. I had three days off so I sketched out the new series, eight canvases.............................................

Monday, November 9, 2009

Inner peace and a cappucino

My co-worker has jury duty this week so my days are changed- I have today and tomorrow off. I so needed it. It was emotional heavy-duty dealing with people- those who came to view Chun-Yan's work after reading the paper, and the artists mourning at the RRCA. I was completley exhausted by the end of work yesterday.
Just returned from a walk around the river with a cappuccino. The river was silver high tide, so beautiful in the dusk. I feel so lucky to be so near this landscape and if I hadn't so much to do today (laundry, cleaning) I would've gone out with my french easel. I was able to cross the new river bridge today, it's been closed as they were putting in handicap ramps. Nice. I am inspired, a tragedy has occurred, but I am inspired for knowing Kim and all her beauty- art and personality. And I was filled with a sense of peace walking.
Tomorrow is a full studio/painting day. Took me awhile to get to this point. Everything is in place- home, diet, exercise, papers, computer files. Going to work on the series, maybe sketch out three each fall and winter. Or more. Just immerse myself.
In January I am taking an adult workshop at the RRCA for watercolor. Maybe I'll be able to do something with my Sunday studies.......and I think I will begin again my work in digital art. I don't know about buying a Wacom as I planned, after purchasing Chun-Yan's painting. We'll see........
Some folks in this town have a really funny sense of humor. The bronze statue of Capt. Buck down at the river sports a striped wool scarf and a knitted purple leg warmer on his left leg. The leg warmer would have had to been sewn on. I keep forgetting my camera to take a pic of this......

Sunday, November 8, 2009


She didn't get away. I did. This is my third day working after the news of Chun-Yan Hilyard's death- at the moment I'm quite unsteady. A RRCA Board Member just left- there has been much talk among all of us about this- he was shook to the core with the news. As we talk we are struck with the horror of it, as it sinks in. The loss, the absolute loss. Working here I've been a shoulder to hear memories, sadness, disbelief. Quite a few people have come in to view Kim's work after reading the paper, including a co-worker of the husband. Some have been quite angry.

Seven of Kim's work have sold- I bought one myself this morning (a trust fund is being set up for the children). "Wildflowers". I feel a kinship with Chun-Yan/Kim- all my horrors of a violent marriage have resurfaced like bad gas. Any mistreatment. Wildflowers- as we should be.

It's a beautiful painting- plein air- and braver than I have yet to be.

"She was an artist's artist - another female artist commented.

She was planning on leaving him in January..........I hesitate to bring up my past marriage in a public blog but silence kills. We are so silent, it's so wrong. Some have said she was quiet about the abuse because of Chinese tradition. As I agreed with one female viewer- the mouth taped shut is just all too common with all of us.

I will hang this tribute in my home with honor and dignity and hopefully her spirit will be with me as I paint.......

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Tragic Loss

We lost one of our finest artists this week to a senseless murder. Chun-Yan Hilyard was strangled by her husband Tuesday morning during an argument, then he dumped her body by a bridge not three miles from their house in Egg Harbor Township. Wednesday he reported her missing. And had the gal to go by the O.C. Center to demand the location of her paintings- not if anyone had seen her. Thursday a jogger found her body and not much later the police had the husband in cuffs. We're all stunned in the community. She was loving, giving, her art warm and ecstatic- impressionistic- and she was a rising star. They are holding a memorial at the Ocean City Art Center tonight. Her work is currently on exhibition there as well as here at theRRCA this month. She was just in here Sunday talking with me. She amazed me with her personal warmth and generosity of spirit.
Pointless violence snuffing out beauty that could not be contained.
She was a member of the RRCA, the Noyes Museum, the Ocean City Art Center and showed with a gallery in Stone Harbor. 45 with a 10 y/0 son and twin boys, younger.

Her website is-

Thursday, November 5, 2009


By the way, some (John Sarno, Andrew Weil, etc.) call this type of back pain I think I had- TMS- Tension Myositis Syndrome. Sarno states that "most back pain is the result of the mind's interference with normal functioning of nerves and blood circulation to muscles" and I believe it because every time I got upset a localized knot of pain would surface. And the more I payed attention to it the more it would hurt. The more I wrapped my head around that knot, the tighter it got. Yoga and riding the reclining bike would erase the knot.
I rode my bike to Pathmark this morning for some healthier groceries I can't get at the local walkable mart, some would say that is far- it's enjoyable but it's also a chore. The traffic scares me. I recently told my mother that riding my bike for far errands was getting old- she said "But it keeps you trim". BUT. It's getting old. I'm 48. This morning I thought I'm not Wonderwoman, and I don't want to be. I'm way far beyond ever wanting to be Wonderwoman again.
My neighbor bought an electric bike this week. Hmmmmmm. Now, I've never thought about that possibility...........and I'm thinking.
I think partly why my back seized up was because I couldn't do it all and I was trying to with working. All anyone cared about was if I was producing more paintings for the series. I've half a mind right now to keep it to myself if I do continue the series and just "be" a Sunday Painter with my little watercolors for awhile. Sorry.
An electric bike. Hmmmmmm.........

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I went out to eat tonight, all by my little lonesome, and an Andrew Weil book. Eh. It was a toss up, I could've- probably should've sweated at the gym. But I worked on the computer all day and have been cleaning- cooped up- and decided to relax tonight. Bubble bath next. I feel STUFFED- too stuffed- the new Chinese buffet in town, and with all the nutrition books I've been reading, half of me was wondering what preservatives and additives I was pouring down my throat. And I just made out a grocery list this morning for unprocessed foods, low fat, whole grain. So- it is out of my system- I wanted to try the new restaurant and go out alone. Doubt I'll repeat soon.

Reading "Spontaneous Healing", after "Healthy Aging, Natural Health- Natural Medicine", and a book on the glycemic index. I stopped eating candy, dropped seven lbs. so far and my back is no longer in pain. I don't expect the pain to return.

My fortune read "A little courtesy goes a long way" but when you are in doubled over pain at the end of each work day........Funny I still made it to the gym. They have a reclining bike and after sweating it out, the pain would disappear. Or was that stress? Yogic breathing when the pain hit would lessen it too. I don't know when it left completely. Just that it's been gone for quite a few days now.

Last week I only had one day off, this week I've had my three, next week I don't know as my co-worker returns to jury duty. So I've spent these days organizing- so I can return to work on art. Tomorrow my photos files.

Two more watercolor sketches. Don't know if I'll keep posting them as they come, but at least I've been getting some painting time in. I do have six blank canvases on my wall and some new fall photos developed into prints.....

Bubble bath with the Bach!

Oh, that was an error, the highlights in the last post, if it e-mailed that way.....

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Yesterday's sketch at work. Usually I work just the weekends and Monday, but my co-worker has jury duty this week, and maybe another five days too. I was going to try and work on Artful Giving these three days off mid-week, but alas, I had to work. Oh well. Sometimes things don't work out. Can't be helped. Lucky that I am encouraged to sketch/paint at work. What a lovely job.

Still on the health kick. Reading up- it is just plain awful to realize the amount of chemicals in processed foods........In everything apparently. Cause for a major freak out if obsessed over.

I think this weekend, Saturday (I do have off), I will organize my computer photos so I can get to work on digital art again. Gotta be organized first.

Just a short post and pic of sketch. Maybe I'll fill the other half of the landscape sketchbook. I started it in 2007, kinda nice- that's how long I've been studying the river then.....

Monday, October 26, 2009


Much cheerier still. Got good news this morning. To my ears.:) I had a 30 yr high school reunion coming up November 28th and was planning on going- for my sister. She informed me this morning that she really didn't care to go, either. I was only going to go for her. What good news. I didn't realize til my shower after this phone call cancelling, that this event had me somewhat bunched up.
It's been a gathering of old hs friends on Facebook, and reading posts- well, I don't have a house, a car, summers in Sea Isle. I do have over a thousand pieces of artwork, but do you drag them to a reunion with you? It was difficult visiting with my childhood friend couple weeks back, waiting for questions about my "situation". Someone told me such questions would be rude, I bit the bullet and told her about my jaw. I hate explaining that. I always get pity. I'M over the fact I was almost murdered- and now that 15 year old incident is just another piece of life. These things happen to people. I've moved on.
Anyway. With the reunion, and the visit, I was brought back to where I was in high school- not good enough. I wasn't, my family was poor. Never had the right clothes, hell- I was a transplant from North Jersey- I wasn't homegrown. Never in the cliques. I was in THE BAND, lol. Certainly not a cheerleader. What do I have to show..............
Who wants to go back to that after thirty years has passed?
That's why I said I felt Facebook was shallow. All you do is post what you do for other's attention. I went in for art connections and was eventually surrounded by high school. Bleck.

No more keeping up with the Jone's for me. Paint, paint, paint!!!!!!!!!:)
Off to work:)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

New Series?

It's a shame when you have a blog, and don't feel free to give voice to your thoughts. I wasn't exactly complaining in my last post......... took awhile, longer than I thought- for me it seemed to take forever- but I am finally in a routine when it comes to working. My health was a big concern. It's a good job, good environment, but I was very stressed in the beginning. I developed a kink in my back, a knot that would swell and pulse with pain the moment I tensed up. Partly due to sitting I believe, but I think too- psychological- it acted up whenever I stressed. I purchased a yoga for stress relief DVD, that always worked. But I was concerned with the lack of time now I could devote to physical fitness, and the lack of energy I had. And lack of energy promotes lack of energy. Couple more DVDs later- Core Fusion and Pilate's, with workout sessions I could fit into my schedule- I'm doing much better. Tonite I did 45 of Pilate's after work, and it comes easier now, which means I'm strengthening.- My view on exercise has changed, or should I say "matured"- along with lifting weights I make sure I get in some stretching and yoga- for the mind and spirit as well. I suppose I'm fit- but I could lose a few pounds. I work out at least six days a week, but I could lose a few. Candy instead of drink. So I also began studying health books. I feel great, so much better, about four weeks into this health kick. Halfway into this I had my cholesterol checked, bad is below and good is above. Sugar normal too.

I took my landscape sketchbook to work today and after chores settled down to photos and a sketch. Began in pen, but then decided on color and grabbed watercolors from the general supplies. Basic pans and colors. I think I will start a new series- "Fall"- an extension of the Riverwalk Series. Getting a little excited. Quite nice to paint again this week.

A rented movie is calling my name. I have just enough time to watch, eat dinner, and get enough rest to maybe wake up early enough for some yoga before work........

Friday, October 23, 2009

Breakfast by the river

I finally painted this week (plein air), after much time adjusting to a work schedule, and decided this morning to have breakfast by the river and extend my mood so to speak. There are moments- many of them- when I want to fold, walk away from the rat race. Even my painting was a little too hurried this week, so I thought; this morning I thought about how I used to have my own schedule and didn't have to "fit" things in. Like creativity. I won't leave my job though, I am fortunate to be working at the RRCA, and recently I was informed I may sketch at work on my down time, that it would also be good for the center. I haven't yet, but I think I will soon. I've been reading and perusing the computer. Facebook takes a lot of time and lately it has seemed shallow to me.

Life. Yesterday I went out to the river to paint and was greeted with very loud machinery across stream, they were clearing underbrush with a plow of some sorts, it was almost devastating- the noise. I thought about leaving. Had headphones/radio. This morning I sat down to munch on a pumpkin muffin and study the trees- maintenance men appeared to empty the garbage cans. I can't win, I thought, but this is how it is. All this "constructed" beauty under perpetual and constant construction, that's our arts district. If you choose to look at it that way. The bridge I painted this week has been out all summer, I haven't walked across it once to get to the other side. It doesn't suit me well this do, do, do, as the sell, sell, sell didn't either. I don't know if I'll ever get anything done for Artful Giving- I may just pull a Walden and just continue to paint the river..........

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


......what to title this post. In my second day off this week, and I'm "rebelling". I went for a walk around the river this morning with my camera, lovely, and decided to come home and pack up and go back out with the french easel. Maybe tomorrow too. It's too nice to stay inside and paint pretty little flower paintings for Artful Giving- though I sorta promised I'd knock some out. IT'S MY DAYS OFF and I want to spend them on ME sometimes, not more work for the RRCA. Actually, I just think it's nature and the weather and paint calling. I'm still adjusting to working, and this week I started teaching again too.

Last week I had a visit from an old high school friend I hadn't seen in 25 years- the week before I was busy getting my home ready for the visit. She came by, my daughter and mother came by, and no one noticed ANYTHING about my place- new rug, new pictures. What a revelation- that I certainly don't have to keep up with the Jones's, as I felt I should. That was miserable. Cleaning to impress. In a short few I'll put on my scruffy painting clothes and be quite happy.

I've had an about face and have been studying books by Andrew Weil, healthy aging, eating for optimum health, holistic medicines, etc., to improve my well being. I exercise religiously but my diet could improve. I want to fully understand what goes on in my body with what I put into it. On my walk I was thinking- Oh, I'm getting old- but maybe it is just more aware. There was a time when I wouldn't care to think about such things, as if I was invincible. I've also started practicing Core Fusion- very complete and holistic exercise regimen. Feeling quite good and energetic.

Well, I'll post some pics of my early morning cappuccino walk, plus a pic from the Silver Run class.......

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Overdue Ramble

I had forgotten I had a blog and was posting regularly. Somehow I got caught up in my job, and trying to get things done (in a hurry) on my days off. No pics today, though I might have some later this afternoon- going to kick out some little paintings for the prospectus for the RRCA Artful Giving. I haven't painted in sooooo long.

Sometimes it feels as if I have no time off from work, and writing in my journal last night I decided to make a conscious effort to decompress and leave my job behind me on my three days to myself. My mind whirls- gotta do this, gotta do that, by Friday and next I know I'm losing my time and living in the my next days at work. Went to Wawa this morning for my favored vanilla cappuccino and a walk/sit by the river to make it all ok.

I've been working on my home- when you bring 14 works home from shows it's a little disruptive and I had to rearrange my walls, too much of my own stuff hanging. I like my rooms clear and uncluttered save for the studio, so I can think uncluttered. So I worked on that until yesterday. Found a coat rack/shelf- long- at the local thrift shop for ten bucks and hung that yesterday. My coat closet is filled with paintings.
A little more relaxed. Got to keep my yoga studies in the back of my mind and remember to breathe. Work is sometimes very easy going. Third Mondays- when we take down the previous exhibition and receive the new work is absolutely crazy. We also had an Arts and Antiques Festival- one day affair with a lot of preparation, and a Wine Tasting event- a completely enormous production.

I start teaching again October 19th, but due to budget cuts there may only be four classes this year, as opposed to the usual ten. Sad. Then, got an e-mail this morning, I may be assisting in teaching ArtWorks run by the Weed and Seed program, beginning in January for 12 weeks. That excited me, I really do enjoy teaching.

Well, long overdue in picking up a paintbrush too........

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Glad It's Over

Sometimes I'm a real home body, having a few of those days now. Couple days off work and I just want to dwell on, deal with- me, myself, I, and my dwelling. Framing, a show, an interview, resulting article and all the Facebook e-mails and congratulations, Third Friday (and Third Friday week at work)- I was exhausted this past weekend. I'm not particularly fond of PR. At this point- it just seems part of the "job"- Oh Yea, gotta push yourself. Ha. Rather not. Rather paint. Sorry. But it's all for a good cause I suppose, the RRCA and the river got press. The district was excited.

The interview was lots of fun, and I made good friends with the photographer from the shoot. It was inspiring discussing the series ON the riverfront and explaining my love for the subject. The article was postponed a few days, which was fortunate because I was immune to it by the time it published. I found something out through this. People were more excited because they KNEW me, rather than being excited FOR me. That was odd. Even autographed a copy. Well.

Third Friday arrived with a power outage- my former advisor from Rowan got to view my exhibition in the dark. That's a shame. Good constructive criticism I much appreciate. So far the series is getting a nice reception- AND, I get to play mystery shopper. The work is hung right next to my desk at work- so I get to listen to the comments, mostly good (I liked- "Oh! Someone really likes green!) without revealing who I am. I just smile and ask- "You like?"....

Sigh. I want to get my hands back into the paint now.

Discovered something else too over the past few days. Old friend/enemy/nemesis/thorn in my side/joy of my life/darkest hours of my life- ETC- the painting Mast I no longer exists. And I so fretted just a short while ago. Over thin air apparently. It was lost in a fire about eight years ago. So I was informed. That is a lesson.

I don't think I'll ever let a painting hold me hostage ever lose time that way........

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Ahhhh, got word- the article will be out Friday, the reporter's editor wanted it to come out on Third Friday......

No Article Yet

Well, there's no Atlantic City Press hoopla yet. I wrote the reporter and got no reply, the photographer said "I have know Idea, but it's sad the paper was so thin"- so who knows. And who knows what that may mean. Frankly I was glad Tuesday, as I was exhausted and didn't want to deal with attention. And today I was glad too- for the same reason- and spent the day volunteering at the RRCA. Maybe that seems funny with working there, going in on a day off, but it was peaceful work without the computer, the noise, local people. A rest the mind day. I'm not disappointed in the least. My paintings were hung today for the show Friday, and they look quite handsome, and I received quite a few compliments already. ....And once again I find I can't use paragraphs in here..........I did find you can delete posts, so I did, the ones complaining about money. I heard from the court this week- it was decided in my favor. I'm not mentioning money again, that's my business, just going to go about paying my bills and taking care of myself. How my money ever become a community's business, in the first place.......hmmmmmmph. New pics of the current show soon.........

Thursday, August 13, 2009

AC Press Tuesday!

Heads up. Just got off the phone with a reporter from the Atlantic City Press. They're going to do an article on the Riverwalk Series, she said it should run Tuesday- before the opening of the exhibition the 21st. I'm thrilled and excited- also humbled. We've talked about this in the beginning of the summer. Over the weekend they'll photograph me out by the river painting. The reporter, Juliet Fletcher (beautiful English accent) is attracted, to my "philosophy" I guess- painting the undeveloped river. The wild side if you will. She asked why I chose this as a subject, and I thought of the Boardwalks, man made and destroyed by nature's whim, and I said hesitantly- it seems to be in my nature to be attracted to what man hasn't touched. Hmmmm. I have thought of re-reading Walden's Pond lately. I worried a bit about what people may think, she asked what I thought about the city's development (commercial) of the river- I said it's pretty and have nothing against it- she said she feels there are people like me who appreciate the natural beauty too. Funny. She asked if I noticed the wildlife, if I thought the river might be healthier. Never occurred to me, I think I saw a snake once. Haven't been looking at anything but the trees......

I am more excited though about returning to painting yesterday. In the manner I have lately- freely and easily. Now the Seasons are finished and no longer looking over my shoulder as unfinished guilty canvases on my wall- AH! It's possible to fit in some painting time, and I can return to the series!

Today I framed what I could, only one left, that's fine. What a sense of satisfaction in finishing- before the call came. A worthwhile project. The feedback will be interesting with an article to accompany.

Well, it's decided then, by this. To show the Riverwalk.......

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I finished Winter today, in one sitting. It was fun. I suppose since it is a self portrait I felt more freedom in painting the way I wanted to, which was quickly (honestly?), letting the paint move itself. I did reference a Degas interior for color. This painting/series was long in coming- I started it three years ago. But I felt stilted as a neighbor found out I was painting the seasons and the next I knew it was "summer" this, "fall" that, "spring" this, etc. Until I got disgusted and quit. I had eyes peering over my shoulder during working. I still felt a bit of that when I decided to finish these paintings, so I am very pleased to say they are done! A certain satisfaction, and much exhalation. I like this painting very much. I don't know if others will- it's very loose and only suggests myself- but maybe that is why I like it. It is an impression. Will see if it dries by the 18th, some of the paint application is thick.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Fall, summer, spring- winter is on the easel. Seems I have two jobs now (or is that more when you're a mother?), hourly at the RRCA, and my painting. I have a lot of work to do, I'd like to finish Winter for an August 17th drop off for the Center Member Artist show (as well as five of the River Series). As a RRCA member artist I am eligible to participate in the September 13th Arts and Antiques Festival- I'm thinking of 4x6 gessoed watercolor sketches, framed. If I do, I also have to work at the RRCA that day. Then there is the Artful Giving and Spirited Surprises for November and December at the RRCA- I am pretty much ready for that. And when it cools I of course want to venture back out with the french easel.
Someone- a director of a museum- asked me last Third Friday if I was surviving (survive-"ing"?). Oh, I suppose so. But right now people are still getting on my nerves and I'm doing a lot of swimming and some yoga to manage stress. As in this morning, running errands, a local smiles his way towards me, wraps an arm around my shoulder and asks if I'm painting. Do you need to know? And it is of utmost importance to peer into my shopping bag to see what merchant-dice I picked up???????

It's too hot out there for me today, I have central air- though the cat uses it more than I do.....but I think I'll stay in today. My daughter is coming over for a bit, then I think I'll dream of winter.........

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Remember this? I guess I'm asking of those who are e-mailed this blog- I only have 46 views since the start. Working today, and I uploaded this image in case I felt like taking a break and writing.

Today, no heels, just fancy work flip flops. I enjoyed a few days dressing down, AND took up swimming again, jocking out too. Have decided to take swim lessons at the gym where I work out. The swimming has soothed my soul and spirit. Someone remarked to me that "sore feet are par for the course"- are they?

Friday night I was informed that two days will soon be added onto my work week. I am thrilled, I love this job and am so fortunate. It will leave me three days a week (and two half days) in which to paint, but that will be ok. I'm not sneezing at this opportunity.

Not what I wanted to write about though. As last I wrote I had been feeling as if I needed to take care of the world, this morning I felt as if the world owned me. This painting comes to mind- or it's sister painting, the first Mast- and it's owner. I have no idea where the painting or the owner is, but I do catch remnants of past correspondence to him- it's so annoying. The "machine" I used to call it. It never ceases to amaze me why some won't move on. "Mast I" was "do as I say, not as I do" and I found myself in a life directed by others because of what I wrote him. I painted "Mast II" so he could have his, and I could have mine.......but he still resurfaces. I ignore, like a pesky bot on a chat site.

I have my own life now. Someone wanted to buy Mast II, without releasing the reproduction rights to me- I thought it would've been dangerous enough parting with the painting, let alone losing all rights. So it is still mine. No one can find it though. I'm not telling where it is. My boat. His boat.........

I wrote on Facebook yesterday that I was "On Vacation" and not about to tell anyone what I'm doing. I might have that attitude for awhile- that I will explain in appropriate timing. There's a reason. Anyway and anyhoo- I have a show to ready for next month at the RRCA as a Center Member Artist. I do have seven paintings ready, but they need varnishing and framing.......


Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Two whole days in which to paint. Maybe three, maybe four. I'm not even going to post an image, these days are MINE. I can't say the last time I held a paintbrush in my hand- tho I do recall saying how much I missed painting. Last night this feeling overtook me, that I have been taking care of the world. I know that's unrealistic, but sometimes with those close to me it's sometimes the truth. I have an aging parent who feels compelled to tell me her daily activities, I have children who are grown- yet not quite there yet. An arts district- well sometimes they get too nibby, I'm sorry, "what are you doing, what are you painting, where are you showing, have you sold". The last day I worked I went home the back way, took another street, to avoid questions. You get to feeling that you MUST put out, provide, entertain, be part of, always. It's a community sure, but right now I need my alone time to work.

Had another day of paperwork, but I made sure to get a swim in, and later, some time at the gym with my daughter. Then a bubble bath.

See you when I see you, I'm out for the next couple days..........:)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Summerfest Pics

A glimpse of one of our events, Chili cookoff, canoeing, plein air, craft booths, food, music, etc..........

My Feet Hurt!

Last night was the opening for South Jersey Emerging Artists at Perkins Center for the Arts, Collingswood. I thank all that came out to support- sorry we ran out for coffee and were almost missed! I hope I can get three pics in- me, Anna Vosburgh and Steve Testa, representing the Millville Arts District. Lovely town Collingswood, and that train! Made me homesick for the city and I wanted to hop aboard and see some city lights. There is still some North Jersey in me.

I am pretty much tired, I worked Friday night and today, yesterday was Summerfest on the riverfront, last night the opening- I just want to crawl into my three dollar thrift store cargo shorts and disappear for a few days. Down and dirty and messy with paint- NO HEELS- until busy Third Friday comes. I get like this sometimes, wear and tear of living INSIDE an arts district. Right now I don't care about anything again except getting back to the series and immersing myself in some creativity. I was told a few times this weekend how nicely I was dressed, it's lost on me now. I'm wearing a ponytail til Third Friday.

Friday someone remarked to me how I had disappeared for a month- I have been caught up in paperwork for two weeks due to being employed again- the agencies I have to report to, and this after being laid up with the flu for a week and a half. It is time to paint. What I don't know. Tuesday I will know.

Tomorrow- there is cat hair to be vacuumed first:).............

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Universe Gave Her Boots

Life is busy right now, with paperwork because I'm working, and I have a show coming up at Perkins Center for the Arts Collingswood July 11th. More on that later. I wanted to share a prized new possession, a painting by my dear friend Anna Vosburgh. Wonderfully, I received it the day before my birthday, how joyous! "The Universe Gave Her Boots" is a portrait of a mutual friend, Rita Lyman, who directs Poetry On High here in Millville. Rita is a poet, artist, massage therapist. She just returned from Argentina as an exchange between our countries, of the arts. Rita is big on healing and the transmission of positive energies. The story of the rainbow boots is this- Rita needed rain boots at one point and had no money so went to a thrift shop. They had boots in her size- Rainbow boots! The universe provided boots no matter how bright (and yes, Rita's feet are tiny and delicate)! Eventually Rita posed for Anna in those boots (and not much else, Rita also works as a live model). I fell in love the painting immediately. And I love that's a portrait of a friend, by a friend.

Anna had her eye on one of my more outrageous paintings, SHUTUP, quite frankly I had lived with it a long time and was more than ready to part with it. So Anna and I exchanged! We are both quite happy with our paintings from each other, and it's funny (I suppose)- we couldn't afford each other- so it was a happy exchange.

I wanted to share this beautiful work with everyone. A lovely addition to a small collection I've started of local artists.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pochades 4 and 5

So happy to be out there painting today, though it took a bit of discipline at first. I'm still sneezing and coughing some. And didn't quite have the energy I'd like. But the weather is so nice and cool, brought a jug of coffee and some tunes. It's funny how you paint better than you think you will when you don't feel you have it in you. Eventually I got lost in the paint and trying out different sizes of brush. The past weekend held the fourth Plein Air Competition in Millville and I was fortunate to be working at the RRCA Sunday when most of the paintings were received. What beauty and loveliness, and what a chance to learn! I'm still very green and new, but it's wonderful to have so much opportunity stretched ahead of me!
This is behind the local library where there is a expanse of old wall/building cascading with greenery and trees.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Oh, do I miss......

painting! I think it's been about two weeks, almost that since I last posted. I had just got in the swing of things with my new french easel- I've been out three times- and I was waylaid with the flu (or something) last Saturday. By Monday I was coughing so much my ribs hurt and spent the next three days in a Theraflu haze. Which kicked the cough, but my head doesn't quite feel attached to my body yet. Still, I feel better enough to start grumbling and complaining about a lost week of work, lost momentum, dried up paint and no lasting energy to swipe a few strokes on canvas. I did frame four pictures for the Perkins show today, but that wiped me out for a bit. I think I'm going to go to the gym in an hour and stretch these muscles that have lazed in bed all week, and try and wake up. Listen to some tunes on my MP3. I'm not a good patient. Illnesses leave me frustrated. I made my way through one book, but I can't sit still for a week!

The last/third pochade before I was struck down. Not as developed as I'd like. Another artist joined me on the scene and we talked the rest of my painting session. I prefer isolation when I work, but it's all new, sooo...... It is amazing to me the variety of scenery one can find with one position of the easel. The pochades seem brighter to me out in the daylight as compared to the light in my studio, I haven't resolved that yet. With this one I tried a softer brush stroke.

Well. To better health, and hopefully a sunny day soon!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Another side

In July I will be showing at the Perkins Center for the Arts in Collingswood, NJ, a show for emerging artists, and in September I will be showing at the RRCA as a Center Member artist. I've limited my shows for this year. Maybe during Christmas I will also include some work in the RRCA's Artful Giving.

I will be introducing my computer art, what I've labeled as my "elaborations". They are computer enhanced photographs. I fiddle around at night on the computer, distorting photos. I have a little black book where I note each change, each progression, as I'd never remember how I achieved an effect, from beginning to last elaboration, morphing of an image. There are quite a few series of this type of work. It interests me greatly, it is fascinating what the computer is capable of.

Busy week. I finished my inventory (quite large) and yesterday I made my first trip to the river with the new easel, turned out two pochades. Bright and breezy painting as was the day. Next Saturday the local artists will gather on the Glasstown Plaza to paint, draw, from 10 to 2. We are replacing the farmers market this year. The easel will come in handy then too.

Quite a difference between the computer art and the pochades, study, study, study......

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Short post this morning, long day ahead. Two days ago I was hired to work Sundays at the RRCA, I start the 7th. Today I have some training. Then, there is a picnic for the local artists and musicians. Should be fun. Happy Holiday!

I threw my back out last Sunday doing power yoga, and I was in and out of bed rest all week. Very frustrating with having a new french easel that you have to carry. It's getting better slowly. Yesterday afternoon I was in some pain during a life drawing session at Artist Consortium, but that was my own fault as I lifted weights in the morning. I'm stubborn and pushed my body as I was feeling fine.....paid later.

I have two working sketchbooks, one landscape, one figure. Friday night I went to the local coffee shop and sketched one of our local artists/musician, turned out a nice likeness. I go out with my sketchbook from time to time and sketch the nightlife, and I needed to do something creative after being laid up all week. Yesterday they had a live model at the Consortium, it's a five dollar tip for two hours of drawing. The model was excellent, knew his poses, with staff and Pilate's ball this session. Quite interesting. As I was trained, it's important to study the figure, so I still try to do so. Still passionate about drawing.

I hope to get out there next week with the new easel. Have most supplies, even bug spray:).......